The Critical Role of a Child Custody Attorney in MediationThe Critical Role of a Child Custody Attorney in Mediation
Child custody is one of the most contentious issues in divorce proceedings. It is imperative to have a competent Chicago child custody attorney on your side, whether you are negotiating with your spouse or litigating your rights in court. The attorneys at Merel Family Law are dedicated to offering the personalized representation that you require and deserve in your child custody case.
The Illinois courts acknowledge that the children’s best interests are served by the utmost involvement and cooperation of both parents in their lives. Because of this, it is exceedingly uncommon for a court to grant sole custody to a single parent. Rather, the courts consider a variety of factors when making custody decisions, such as the parents’ capacity to collaborate, the physical and emotional well-being of both parties, whether either party has been involved in domestic violence or abuse, and the overall circumstances of each family.
An effective Chicago custody lawyer will be able to connect your desire for what you believe is in the best interest of your children with the court’s ability to grant custody. This encompasses parental obligations and parental leisure. The authority to make critical decisions regarding your child’s education, religion, and medical treatment is a component of parental responsibilities. Parental time is the schedule that determines the amount of time your child will spend with each parent and the frequency with which they will reside with each parent. Both parties must be capable of devising a strategy that they both deem to be in the children’s best interest.
A good Chicago child custody counsel will assist you in resolving any issues that cannot be resolved by agreement, in addition to assisting you in determining the most suitable custody and visitation arrangement for your circumstances. The majority of divorce cases, approximately 95%, are resolved prior to the trial. Our organization can assist you in negotiating a resolution by means of mediation or a pretrial conference. We possess a wealth of experience in both contested and uncontested divorces, which enables us to adequately prepare you for the process, negotiate effectively on your behalf, and achieve the outcomes that you require and deserve.
Finally, a competent Chicago Child Support Lawyer will possess a comprehensive understanding of Illinois’ child support laws. Based on the net incomes of both parties, the time each party spends with the children, and any special needs that your child may have, the amount of child support is determined. Child support is typically paid until the completion of secondary school; however, it may be adjusted upward or downward in response to changes in circumstances. Additionally, our organization can aid in the modification or enforcement of child support obligations and orders.